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Operable 2.4 Navigable

Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.


  • Include a skip to content link as the very first thing on the page.
  • All pages have a title relative to the content on the page.
  • Use breadcrumb navigation when there are multiple levels of nested pages.
  • Avoid ambiguous link text such as “click here” or “learn more”.
Read the WCAG 2.4 Specification

Success Criteria

Depending on which level of compliance your website needs, the following criteria needs to be met.
Criterion Level Description
2.4.1 A Sections of a website that are repeated on multiple pages can be skipped.
2.4.2 A All pages have a descriptive title.
2.4.3 A The focus order of elements on the page is in a logical order.
2.4.4 A The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone without needing context from the surrounding content.
2.4.5 AA There is more than one way to locate a specific page in a website.
2.4.6 AA Headings and labels are descriptive.
2.4.7 AA It is visually obvious where the current focus is on the website.
2.4.8 AAA Users understand where they are located within a website.
2.4.9 AAA The purpose of each link can be identified by text alone.
2.4.10 AAA Section headings are used to organize content.
Read about all WCAG 2.4 Success Criteria